**Please note that some of the resources may relate to previous Olympics, but they can easily be modified to fit the 2018 Winter Games.**
You will find various Activities on the top portion of this page.
Further down, you will find Web Sites.
We have a page full of Books that you can order directly from Amazon.com!
This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.
Letter Recognition Grades Kindergarten
Make paper gold medals for each letter for each child. Child is to watch teacher make the letter and then write the letter. The teacher can trace the letter on the child's back to help the child remember how to make the letter. Is a fun game and everybody "wins" a gold medal for each letter
Submitted by: Jeanne
Athletes' Hometowns Grades Intermediate
Depending on the age of your students, will create a map showing the hometowns or home states of theathletes on the current U.S. Olympic team. Visit our Printable Maps page to select, download and print a map. Access athlete information at the Team USA web site.
A Day at the Olympics Grades 6-8
Students explore an online resource and learn how athletes from different ancient Greek city-states would behave at the Olympic Games.
ABC Teach Grades Various
A fun collection of Olympic resources and activities.
A Measure of Greatness Grades K-5
Students participate in a variety of Olympic-type activities involving measurement.
An Educator's Guide to the Olympics Grades Various
You will find Fact Sheets, Questions and Activities, Worksheets and Lesson Plans to help you incorporate the Olympics into your curriculum. (This resource is from the 2002 Salt Lake Games.)
Character Education Lesson: Olympics Grades 6-8
Students plan and stage a classroom Olympics.
Create Your Own Classroom Olympics Grades 3-12
Students compete in activities that emphasize a wide variety of skills and knowledge as well as some luck.
Comparing Ancient and Modern Olympic Games Grades 3-12
Create a Venn diagram to compare the Games of today and ancient times.
First School - Olympic Games for Kids Grades PreK-1st
This is an opportunity for young children to get acquainted with the Olympic Games, but most importantly the central message during the activities is one of friendship and peace. People playing and working together in peace and friendship makes for a better and beautiful world.
Flag Grades Various
Print and color an Olympic flag.
Go for the Gold! - A CyberHunt Activity Grades Various
To learn more about the Olympic Games, click on the buttons below each of the following questions. Then write your answers on a separate piece of paper.
Go for the Gold! Grades Various
This site was put together for the 1998 Olympics, but there are several activities that can be used for this year.
History of the Olympics Grades 2-5
Students will have the opportunity to learn about the history of the Olympic games, study the rules, and hold their own Olympics.
Olympics Art Fun Pre-K-2
Students create medals, Olympic rings, and torches using common materials.
Olympic Biographies Grades 3-8
Students create a book of biographies profiling famous past Olympic athletes.
Olympic Games - Events of the Winter Games Grades 5-8
Help students draw parallels between the perseverance of Olympians and their own lives.
Olympic Graphs Grades 6-12
Students create graphs comparing present and past winning results of various Olympic sports.
Olympic Leaders Grades 3-12
Each student will research the accomplishments of one Olympic athlete.
Olympic Rings Report Form Grades Various
Students learn about and report on the Olympic rings. (This link is to a PDF.)
Olympic Time Lines Grades 3-12
Students use library or online sources to create time lines of various events that took place during the modern Olympic Games.
Olympic Trivia Challenge Grades 6-12
Students find fascinating facts about the Summer Olympic Games and Olympic history.
Olympic World Grades Various
This efgProject™ is designed to bring "Life 2 Learning." It features fourteen lessons that are integrated with the skills necessary for life and work in the 21st Century.
Reading Comprehension Activity Grades Intermediate
Students can read and then answer questions related to the Olympics.
Use this link for the questions http://www.abcteach.com/Olympics/readcomp2.htm
Reading Olympics Grades 4-8
Students participate in a Reading Olympics and enhance their reading abilities at the same time.
So You Want to Compete in the Olympics? Grades 3-12
The International Olympic Committee has decided to hold a Junior Olympics during the next Summer Olympic Games. The committee has invited students from around the world to form teams and participate in that event. You and other students in your class hope to try out for the Junior Olympics, but first you have to plan how you will prepare for the competition.
Track a Sport Grades 6-12
Students track the results of various sports during the Olympic Games.
Trivia Games
Trivia related to the 2014 Winter Games.
Winter Olympic Teaching Theme Grades Various
A great collection of resources from art to web sites to Webquests and more!
Countdown to the Olympics Grades Intermediate
These resources were compiled for the 2018 Olympics.
Winter Olympics - Activity Village Grades Various
This site has a great collection of printables, activities and resources.
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2018 Winter Olympics Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A great collection of information.
PyeongChang 2018
The site of the Winter Olympic Games.
Athlete Bios
Students can learn about their favorite athlete.
International Olympic Committee
Official site of the International Olympic Committee.
Learn about the 2018 Olympic Mascot.
NBC Sports
2018 Winter Olympics.
The Olympic Games
Read all about various aspects of the Olympics.
Olympic Museum
Take a tour of previous Olympics.
Olympic Trivia
Would make a great game for your classroom.
Team USA
Learn about the athletes that make up the US Olympic Team.
Torch Relay
Follow the torch on it's journey.
Winter Olympics Through the Years
Find a complete index of all previous Winter Olympic Games.
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The Teacher's Corner has hand selected a bunch of books for our Winter Olympics Unit that you can find at great prices on Amazon.com
The following books are out of print, but you can check your local library!
A Winter Place
by Ruth Yafee Radin
Chronicle of the Olympics (Updated Edition)
Great Winter Olympic Moments
by Nathan Aaseng
When the Mountain Sings
by John MacLean