September 11, 2001, will be a day we never forget. As another anniversary of this event approaches, we begin to wonder how we will mark this historic day with our students.
The Teacher's Corner has put together a collection of resources and lessons to help you. The collection below ranges from specific ways to mark the anniversary, to learning more about the country of Afghanistan, to making the most of current events.
We hope you find these resources helpful and feel free to send us any we have not included.
Remember to keep all of the families affected by the events of September 11th in your thoughts and prayers.
You will find various Web Sites on the top portion of this page.
Further down, you will find Lesson Plans, Activities, Etc.
Web Sites (Contain Articles & Advice)
After September 11th
Teaching September 11th to students who were born after the attacks.
Children need 'reassurance' in face of Tragedy
(From CNN Education) BETHESDA, Maryland (CNN) -- How do you tell children about Tuesday's unprecedented tragedy? How do you reassure them while also trying to explain what happened? CNN's Kathy Slobogin talked to Dr. Jeffrey Mitchell, a certified trauma specialist and head of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. The non-profit group has trained thousands of disaster response workers.
Helping Children Handle Disaster-Related Anxiety
(From National Mental Health Assoc.) Find tips for parents of all aged children.
How Stuff Works
An in depth look at Sept. 11th.
Other Web sites with Teaching and News Resources About Sept. 11th
A collection of resources.
September 11 Anniversary and Your Kids
(From About.com) Anticipating the upcoming one year retrospectives on the September 11 attacks, fathers need to do some thinking and preparing to talk again with their children about terrorism, homeland security and personal safety. By: Fatherhood Guide Wayne Parker
September 11: Lessons and Resources for Classroom Teachers
Brought to you by Education World.
Special Report on Coping With Tragedy
(From Americanbaby.com) This site deals specifically with talking to younger children about this tragic event.
Young Heroes of History
A collection of resources.
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Lesson Plans , Activities, Misc.
9/11/2001: The Day That Changed America Grades Various
A resource brought to you by Scholastic. Begins Sept. 2nd and has online activities.
A Nation of Many Cultures Grades K-5
Invite students to create a visual representation of themselves to include their family, heritage, and interests. Use these creations to compare and contrast similarities and differences. Create a display of the art work in the form of a U.S. Flag.
A World At Peace Grades 2-6
Invite students to brainstorm the basic rights of people everywhere, explore in basic terms the United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights and UNICEF's Committee on the Rights of the Child, and then use international photography galleries as part of a multimedia creative writing assignment imagining a world at peace.
The American Flag Grades PreK-5
This lesson plan offers information on the American Flag, including its history, what the symbols represent, and the proper way to display it. Also provided is a list of links to flag and patriotic crafts for all ages.
Bulletin Board Grades Any
A bulletin board entitled "United We Stand."
Conflicting Views Grades 2-5
Use political maps of the world to provide geographical knowledge of Afghanistan, the United States of America, and other relevant countries. Learn the history of Afghanistan and the Taliban as they relate to U.S. foreign policy and actions. Using conflict resolution skills, brainstorm possible solutions to the conflict between the United States, Afghanistan, and the Taliban. Write an opinion paper on possible solutions.
Dealing with Tragedy in the Classroom Grades 1-5
This lesson will help your 1st to 5th grade students cope with loss and learn how to talk to each other about their feelings. Your students will write letters to children of lost victims and learn about ways they can volunteer.
Emergency Preparedness Grades 6-8
Introduce students to governmental and humanitarian response mechanisms for natural and man-made disasters. Students research and report on a variety of organizations, including the Red Cross, FEMA, and more; as an extension, students learn about locally- and regionally-based resources, like the National Guard.
Hang a Flag Mural Grades All
Students create a mural that expresses their feelings and patriotism to honor the memory of those who gave their lives on September 11, 2001.
I Have a Metaphor Grades 5-9
In this lesson, students use Dr. Martin Luther King's message of unity regardless of race and religion. Use this lesson as a timely reminder that hatred toward anyone on the basis of race or religion is unacceptable.
Memorial for September 11th Grades 6-12
The students will express their feelings toward the tragedy of September 11, 2001 by creating works of art.
Memorializing September 11, 2001 Grades 3-12
Students work in groups to create designs and/or models of monuments honoring the victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks. Students also compose and present oral explanations of their designs or models.
My Name Is Osama Grades 3 & Up
A short story about a young Iraqi boy opens up classroom discussion about the difficulties some immigrant children face, especially in the days after September 11. Student work sheet included.
Proverbs of One World Grades 3 & Up
As a memorial to September 11, students create a book or bulletin board of proverbs that offer lessons connected to themes of freedom, tolerance, patriotism, diversity, and respect.
Remembering September 11th Grades Various
abcteach has some great printable activities.
September 11: Lessons and Resources for Classroom Teachers Grades Various
Brought to you by Education World.
Teacher Resources: Special Coverage of the Attacks in NY, DC Grades Various
PBS has compiled lesson plans that will help students better understand various aspects of this tragic event.
Terrorism Grades Various
Find related lesson plans and resources.
Use Literature to Teach Tolerance Grades All
Commemorate 9/11 by reading aloud each day that week a new children's book that focuses on the theme of tolerance. Book list included.
Write Letters to Commemorate 9/11 Grades All
Students commemorate the 9/11 anniversary by writing letters to fire, police, or emergency medical personnel in their communities or to the service men and women who fight terrorism overseas.